Smiley Tiggers

Smiley Tiggers

Friday, January 25, 2008

Perhaps Emerson Penn Harding??

On January 14th, we found out it's a boy!!! Can you believe it?? We were shocked. When I was only 11.5 weeks along our Maternal Fetal Medicine physician stated that with 80% certainty that it was a girl, and then at my next regular check up my GP stated after hearing his heartbeat, "well, it sounds like a girl!" We were prepared for either, but I won't lie, I was literally praying for a boy. So when the sono tech scanned between his legs, and I saw what I saw before she stated it, well, I was elated! And then she confirmed it. I started crying, but under control.

Now we have recently gotten the anatomical screen. Based on the UltraScreen at 11.5 weeks, the Quad Screen at 17 weeks, which together are termed the sequential screen, our current baby has a 1/32,000 chance of having any sort of genetic anomolie such as Trisomy Syndromes, and NTD's. Our history states we have a 1/100 chance of having a child with DS, so in the terms of modern medicine this is "good" news.

The only good thing about it in my opinion thus far is that if we did not have a child with DS, that we would be less likely to experience any major medical issues, which would alleviate the scary aspects of facing a surgery with our child again. But, I have to say that my son taught me that it doesn't matter if you have DS or are quote-unquote "normal". He was such an angel, and if God so chooses to bless us with another angel such as my son, I would take him in a heartbeat no questions asked! I am enamored with children with Down Syndrome, they are so uniquely unique just like everyone of us, but much more so. They seem to have a presence that is beyond words. Penn certainly did, and still does.

Okay, I'll get off of my soapbox! We have decided on several names to choose from: Emerson Penn Harding, Leif Penn Harding, Christian Penn Harding, or August Penn Harding. It's difficult for some reason, but I am anxious to start calling him by name. Perhaps we'll figure it out February 9th, that is the day we get our 3d sono in Austin. Can't wait to see this beautiful little mover and shaker!!

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